Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shutter Island

I just finished another Dennis Lehane novel. Lehane is a master at suspense and mystery, but he is quite graphic. This novel was Shutter Island.

In this book, Teddy Daniels, a US Marshal, is assigned to go to Shutter Island where there is a hospital for the criminally insane. A female patient/prisoner has escaped and Daniels and his partner have been sent to track her down. But things aren't what they seem. The doctors are shady people and there are terrible secrets lurking beneath the exterior.

To top it off, a hurricane rushes in and the power goes out, causing all sorts of havoc on the island.

I won't give away the ending because I hate spoilers, but there is a huge twist at the end. While this wasn't my favorite Lehane novel, I was still impressed with his writing and his ability to create a psychological thriller.

Oh, and there's a movie of Shutter Island coming out this year starring Leonardo Dicaprio (I don't agree with that casting but oh well), Michelle Williams, and Mark Ruffalo.

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