Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today something miraculous occurred. I actually had a Saturday off work! So my friends Mike, Craig, Kajsa, and Lacey decided that we should all go snowshoeing. I think Mike was actually the brains behind it all. Kajsa is an avid snowshoer so she was excited to go. I was excited, but I was not so keen on getting up early on my day off. We all make sacrifices I guess.

We were going to go up to West Yellowstone (another detail I wasn't too thrilled about simply cause it's so far away) but we ended up stopping an hour before we got there and went to Harriman State Park just north of Ashton.

It was so much fun! We walked around in snow that should have had us buried up to our thighs. As beginners, we all got really wet because the snow would flip up from our shoes.

We tried to keep off the beaten path as much as we could just cause that was more fun, but it was also really hard work.

At one point we were walking along and saw a hump of snow. Mike started walking on it and told me to follow him. I was reluctant but feeling adventurous, so I followed his steps. Suddenly I ended up sinking into the snow to my waist with one foot still left precauriously on the top of the snow. Good times. (Moral of the story: Don't give in to peer pressure!)

I am not fond of snow, but I think I found something that would help me at least tolerate it.

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